
Nielsen Launches TV DMP; Vistar Media Launches Private Marketplace
“Giving media owners (like Clear Channel, Lamar, Adspace, and others) a way to merchandise their inventory and provide custom packages tailored to the needs of self-service buyers brings OOH one step closer to having all of the programmatic capabilities of online advertising”, Michael Provenzano, co-founder and CEO, Vistar Media, tells ExchangeWire.

Vistar Media Launches Private Marketplace Deals For DOOH
Marketplace Deals allows out-of-home media owners like Adspace, Lamar, TouchTunes, ZOOM Media, and others to maintain control and transparency while still taking advantage of the efficiency of transacting automatically through the Vistar platform.

Vistar Media Launches Private Marketplace Deals for Digital Out-of-Home
“We continue to see high-interest from digital & programmatic teams for an automated means to access our unique inventory, tailored to a brand’s specific audience targeting needs,” said Ian Mirmelstein, Senior Vice President, Digital Engagement, Adspace. “Vistar’s digital-out-of-home PMP will provide the seamless execution and accurate, real-time reporting that these buyers are accustomed to; a […]

How DOOH network operator Adspace uses data to target shoppers in malls (Media Village)
“Advertising on our screens is similar to re-targeting or intender cookie pools online. In the digital world, every advertiser is competing for the consumer who has been to their website or shown a behavior that indicates purchase intent, because that visitor is more likely to purchase. So, too, are visitors to a mall indicating their purchasing intent.”

Adspace Networks’ Ian Mirmelstein on Targeting “Decision Making Moments”
Ian Mirmelstein chats with Media Village about his new role & initiative – how he’s leading the transformation of Adspace into a digital & programmatic vehicle.

Ian Mirmelstein joins @AdspaceNetworks
Adspace has hired Ian Mirmelstein as SVP of Digital Engagement. This is a newly created position at Adspace, designed to bridge the digital world and OOH advertising through data and technology innovations.

ScreenMedia Daily: Adspace Partners with SessionM to Track Recall and Purchase Intent
Case Studies Demonstrate Impact of Video Ads in Shopping Malls to Gauge Consumer Awareness, Recall, and Intent